Wednesday, April 27, 2016

And now, after a month of poetry...

...we must prepare to let ourselves go into May.

But not let go of poetry!

Inside the Quiet
by Anne Powell

You could learn a lot

just sitting watching God

take tea with Buddha

in the tent at the top of the world.

They keep the flap open

so you can walk inside the quiet and cool

and see the small cups that you thought

too tiny for the hand of God

who after all holds the whole world.

That’s why God needs to rest

on a cloud of cushions

and contemplate with Buddha

the art of letting go.

Let us walk in the holy presence.

Pax in Terra: A Meditation from Pema Chödrön

" One of the astronauts who went to the moon later described his experience looking back at Earth from that perspective. Earth looked s...